Margaret-Anne’s blogs
Hallo everyone.
I started writing these blogs in 2017, after my husband’s death, when Tibbs Dementia Foundation was four-years-old. They are rooted in my 35 years’ experience working in the non-medical dementia field. From the time I first met people with dementia when working in a care home in 1987, I was fascinated and only too aware of how little I knew. I was a specialist dementia social worker from 1989 to 1997 but I learned most from the Alzheimer’s Society throughout the 1990’s.
I am still passionately interested in dementia and try to keep on learning. The blogs are an attempt to share new ideas and approaches within our Tibbs community, forming part of our commitment to providing ongoing education. Sometimes I refer in the blogs to experiences in one of the groups in which I am involved. Hopefully, this keeps them grounded.
The blogs I have selected are about a variety of dementia related subjects and I hope you find them interesting.