About TibbsAdmin024782

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So far TibbsAdmin024782 has created 12 blog entries.

Use it or lose it

I heard something on the radio this week which caught my attention.  Claudia Winkleman and her close friend Professor Tanya Byron were guests on the ‘Fortunately ‘podcast which I always follow because it often makes me laugh out loud. Tanya Byron is a well – known Clinical Psychologist who works with children and teenagers. [...]

Use it or lose it2021-06-21T07:11:41+00:00

When relationships are already difficult

The intended audience for this blog is adult children or other relatives caring for their parents. Having attended the Hear and Now preview last night, I’m vividly aware that many of our Tibbs family are happily married/ partnered, in long term relationships – or have been. I am writing today about another group so please [...]

When relationships are already difficult2021-06-21T08:49:20+00:00

Looking at things differently

On Tuesday evening I was running a session on Communication and Behaviour with a Support 4 Memory group. I always include some material from Prof. Steven Sabat when I’m talking about this subject. The next day, I thought I’d see if he’s published anything else recently, since the webinar some of us attended in October [...]

Looking at things differently2021-06-21T07:10:17+00:00

Being a Person

You may or may not have heard the term “Person-Centred care” used in the Tibbs Dementia community. It is, in fact, one of the core values which underpins everything we do. So, as it is the time of our sixth anniversary, I thought it might be a good idea to revisit our roots.Okay – so [...]

Being a Person2021-06-21T07:09:15+00:00

If we want things to stay the same as they are, we have to change

First of all, I would like to wish a Happy 2019 to us all. How was your Christmas? You may have had fun with friends and/or family, eaten and drunk too much, given and received presents, put up a Christmas Tree and decorated it, sent and received Christmas cards etc. attended carol services and Midnight [...]

If we want things to stay the same as they are, we have to change2021-06-21T07:06:52+00:00

Thoughts from the experts on living with dementia

At one of the Clear Voices groups this week we had a very interesting discussion about ways in which people cope with the experience of living with dementia.  The members of the group all have a diagnosis of either Mild Cognitive Impairment or early stage dementia and we regard them as our pool of experts. [...]

Thoughts from the experts on living with dementia2021-06-21T07:05:39+00:00

Happy families

This is my first blog of 2018. For me, the thing I associate most with the festive period of Christmas and New Year is family. In my case, a very large family with members widely spread – a son as far away as South Africa, some just down the road. And I realise how blessed [...]

Happy families2021-06-21T07:04:54+00:00

Stop walking backwards into the future

This week Sarah and I attended a focus group organised by the Health and Wellbeing Board and Bedford Borough to look at the question of End-of-Life Care and how the care pathway could be improved. We were a small group, but I think we came up with some good ideas. It is almost exactly [...]

Stop walking backwards into the future2021-06-21T07:03:58+00:00

The Carer’s Journey

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the idea of dementia as a journey – as the condition deteriorates and the person with it passes from the early, through the middle to the late stage. Each stage has its own challenges and the bottom line is –well, there is no bottom line. Stuff keeps on changing. [...]

The Carer’s Journey2021-06-21T07:03:16+00:00

Is carer the right word?

So - we’re in election time – again! I was listening to the radio this week to a piece about how the different political parties have key messages which they want to get across. Because there are very strict rules about Party Political advertising during election periods, the Parties must try to get their slogans [...]

Is carer the right word?2021-06-21T07:02:35+00:00
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